Bygone Days

Book Title: Venice
Reviewed By: Kara Wolf [Venice]
Written By: Lynne Connolly
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Novel Books
ISBN: 1591050413
Date: June 2003
Price: paperback $14.95

Venice, another in Lynne Connolly's Richard and Rose series continues the tale of these two lovebirds as they finally marry and endeavor to go on their bride-trip. Unfortunately, right after their wedding, as they’re traveling to the yacht that will take them to Venice and their honeymoon, there is an attempt on their lives. Thus begins the mystery--is someone trying to kill Richard, Rose, or both of them? Who are the Ravens, and are they a threat or allies? Of course, there is plenty of romance, and the joyful chemistry between the two protagonists is wonderful to read.

I highly recommend the entire series, but this book is better than I'd hoped. The transformation of Richard from aloof nobleman to loving husband is truly sweet, and it happens slowly enough that it's believable. The two characters grow and change, and the mystery of who and what is after them adds a thread of worry that makes it a total page-turner. Ms. Connolly’s vivid descriptions of the 'golden city' of Venice, and her knowledge of the history of the period she writes in are excellent, and give a depth to this story not seen in many romances. All in all, Venice is a wonderful read, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good, romantic tale.

Kara Wolf

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