Most recently modified on $Date: 2008/01/23 02:40:37 $ (GMT)
More and more bookstores are creating a presence on the web. While I have my favourites based on those I frequented while growing up in Dublin, Ireland, there's at least one in my current neck of the woods (Charlottesville, Virginia) that I can recommend to anyone looking for Irish-related books: Seanchaí Books. I know the proprietors personally :-) and can vouch for their strong interest in all things Irish!
As for those bookstores back in Ireland, one I often frequented was Fred Hanna's Bookstore, which any Dub will remember is on Nassau Street (remember buying your school books in the basement there?) and they also have a Campus Bookstore (haven't checked where yet). Hanna's may now be reached via if you have questions about a book.
Of course, one of the first Irish bookstores on the web was Kenny's Bookstore in Galway. They were online before most bookstores in the US had even thought of the idea... If you want maps, they have maps too, including the Ordnance Survey maps (topographic).