Most recently modified on $Date: 2008/01/23 02:38:29 $ (GMT)
(November 9, 2003) I received a note from David Cowman of the Irish Parachute Club pointing out that he gets most of his business via the web. How things have changed... when these "Irish & Celtic Thingies" pages started, it was hard to find any Irish site on the web, let alone one specialising in a sport like skydiving...
(June 28, 1999; you can tell I'm not a sports person; sorry!) I got a note back in November 1995 from the Irish Parachute Club asking if their page might be suitable for inclusion here. As I'm somewhat partial to sports that are in some way off the beaten path, I think it's more than fitting to have it here. Of course I had to chase down the link as it had changed, but my default search engine took no time at all to find them. Now go jump!
(August 6, 1996): Apparently the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) have their own web page. Warning: it's rather graphic-intensive with a largish image as background, and doesn't have any text-only page that I could see offhand. However, it does have results and headlines pages that will no doubt be popular.
One team on the web is Bohemians or Bohs as they are known to their fans. This one has reports on the latest match, news of what's going on with the team, and a whole lot more. It and its Mirror site are run by Brian Creen from Maynooth College.
If you remember the Shamrock Rovers Soccer team from Dublin, you'll want to check out that link, maintained at St. Patrick's College, Maynooth (pronounced Mah-nooth) and maintained by Paul Thomas.
Michael McGrath has some web pages about Gaelic Football that will be of interest to fans. He indicates that it will be in full operation for the 1995 championship with graphics and full up-to-date results. There is another Gaelic site on the GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association) at DCU.
Speaking of sports, check out The Irish Soccer home page web page by Thomas Bridge (links corrected 1996.09.16).
There are some mailing lists that are sports-related; see the resources section.