![[Comet Hale-Bopp]](images/pmurphy/halebop2_160_gimp.jpg)
Some Ancient Passages from my "Hot List"
Well, they were goodies at one point, but I haven't maintained
this list very often or very well. Caveat Emptor. See my
Net.People page for what a "Hot List" is. Old time web hacks
know all about it.

- The Electronic Frontier
Foundation (see my causes page) used to have this resource called
the EFF
Guide to the Internet. This was formerly known as the Big
Dummy's Guide to the Internet; I think I preferred the
older title! It's mainly of historic interest now.

The United States Constitution. See the Irish/Celtic
section for the Irish Constitution.

- The Nine Planets (yes, dammit,
NINE!), a multimedia tour of the Solar
System. This site started on the SEDS web server at the Lunar
and Planetary Lab on the University of Arizona campus in Tucson,

- My all-time favourite episode of
Star Trek: The Next Generation is without hesitation
The Inner Light. Here's another
site with a description of the episode. Looks like
I'm not the only one who likes it.

I'll put something about Babylon 5
here soon. Not that there's any shortage of info out there on the
series... watching it night after night on TNT in early 1998
was, well, quite intense. Do I think Star Trek is better than
B5? Zog!