![[Comet Hale-Bopp]](images/pmurphy/halebop2_160_gimp.jpg)
Doggy Passages
Saber is currently the senior canine in our doggy
entourage (though he was born in 2006 so at the time of writing,
January 2008, he's not really that old).
He is
(surprise!) a Belgian Sheepdog, and has brought a lot of much
needed joy into our lives. Though he was named after a character
in a book (whispers from the
grave) written by my wife
Kim Murphy, he's not quite
like that Saber! (though they are definitively both
Belgian Sheepdogs).
That's him on the
left, enjoying his first real snow in early 2007.
Phoebe is a sweet little Belgian Sheepdog with a
totally wonderful temperament. She was adopted in December 2007
and was an instant hit with Saber.
She enjoys chewing on her nylabone toys as well as playing with
chewman (visible at her feet in the picture on right).
There's nothing she enjoys better than to play "tag" with her big
brother Saber, running up and down the hill in the backyard until
they are both totally exhausted. Five minutes later, it's back to
the hill!
- Fondly Remembered
- Isabella (1994–2007) A Mastiff/Lab cross, aka
"Moose"... well, she was just a moose. In reality, she was probably
a mix that included Lab and Mastiff; we're not sure what else. You
can find her on some of the pictures on Magic's page.

- Masque would normally be called a Belgian
Tervueren ("Terv"; or the Terv variety of a Belgian Shepherd), but
she's in fact a purebred Groenendael or Belgian Sheepdog. Clearly,
genetics and breed rules are a tad inconsistent here! Masque has
left us and returned to her original owners.

- King (? –
2006), aka Kinglet, or King Kodiak, was a foster dog who stayed with
us for a few months in the summer of 2006. We were just getting to
know him when a Lymphoma took him from us.
- Who's
This? That's the phrase we used for
Mystic (2001–2005) when she was a puppy. Alas, she
didn't stay nearly long

- Magic
(1996–2005) was probably the most intelligent, loyal, and
fun-to-be-with dog I've ever known. He was our second Belgian
Sheepdog (or Belgian Shepherd, Groenendael variety) and was actually
nominated for President back in 1996! He didn't get enough write-in
votes though. That's him in the picture at the top right of the main page. During his time with us, he became
a Canine Good Citizen, did some tracking, went throug
obedience all the way to "open", and thoroughly enjoyed agility. He
managed to get more than 2/3 of the way towards a championship that
I thought he easily deserved. But he too didn't stay with us
long enough.

- Shaman
(1993–1996), our first Belgian (also a Groen). WARNING:
kleenex alert, this story is a sad one, with a lesson for those who
choose to heed it. His picture is also at the top of the main page (on the left).
- Chinook,
our Siberian Husky (1985–1999).
Named after the warm wind. He had the unique distinction of
having a pacemaker (since 1992). He will be sorely missed.
- Heather was a Cockapoo who, with Moose above,
managed to sneak in on some pictures on Magic's first
- Somewhere I have a picture of Chandra (1982–1985),
a Shepherd/(Husky?) mix who moved with us from Arizona to Maryland
and thence New Mexico.

- And of course, while we had her, the best dog in the world, Solo
- Useful

- Nothing in
Life Is Free (NILIF), a method of dog training
espoused by Lynda Oleksuk and many others. (I only did the
Markup, Lynda and the others came up with the content).
- The
shy-k9s mailing list was started by my
wife back in 1994 when we were trying to cope with Shaman (see
above). We (her, yours truly, and of course Alicia) were
instrumental in getting the first Belgian mailing list on the air
around the same time. There's also another resource for the shy-k9s
list, maintained by Lynn Herf.
- Other
- Alas, The
Doggie Home Page from Mike Buening (and Beamer) has ceased to
exist; I can't find it on the Notre Dame servers anymore, or via
google (only other references to it on other pages). Mike was
one of the movers and shakers of the internet doggie community
back around 1994, and started the first (that I knew of) ftp
and later web archive for dog pictures. He was one of the
rec.pets.dogs regulars back in the pre-spam days
(remember those?).